Monday, 13 April 2015

11 facts about me and the liebster awards

Thankyou Gina Marie ( ) for nominating me for the liebster award :) here is how it works;
1) link back and thank the person who nominated you 
2) list 11 facts about yourself 
3) answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you
4) nominate 11 blogs/blogger with 200 followers or less with 11 questions of your choice 
5) notify your nominees and give them a link back to your post.

11 facts about me:

1) My name is Lauren 
2) my favourite colour is bright green 
3) I really enjoy media and creating my own short films
4) I'm a very creative person
5) I love spending time with my family and friends
6)  My mum and dad are divorced 
7) I'm really new to blogging but I love doing it 
8) I love to ski
9) I love disney movies/ quotes
10) I love looking back on memories 
11) I'm not a very outgoing person 

Questions by Gina Marie;

1) why did you start blogging? 

Because Im a really shy person but I have so much I want to say to people, I also love looking back at memories and I thought if I put it in a blog I can always go back and look at it.  

2) what's one thing you can't live without?

I don't think I'd be able to live without my camera because I take it with me every where 

3) meaning behind your blog name?

I don't think that there is a meaning behind it 

4) one thing that makes you happy?

My family and friends, I love them so much. 

5) what's your favourite blog post you've ever written? 

I've only wrote two but I would say my ' you were born to be real not perfect' 

6)  what are some hobbies you have? 

Every Friday I go to singing lessons and I absolutely love it. However no one from my school knows appart from only one of my friends. 

7) where would you want to travel right now?

I really want to go to Australia I dont know why but i always have 

8) what is your dream job?

To either be a director or to be a singer 

9) early bird or night owl?

I'd say at the moment night owl. But sometimes it changes 

10) what's your favourite snack?

I like the salt and vinegar oddities 

11) who is your role model? 

I would say ed Sheehan because he shows that you can do anything if you really try your best. 


Lady pineapple

My questions: 

1)where's the best place you've every visited? 
2) what is/was your favourite subject at school? 
3) why did you start this blog? 
4) how would you describe yourself In one word? 
5) what are the three things you couldn't live without?
6) what are your three favourite films? 
7) who's your favourite blogger? 
8) who's your favourite band/singer? 
9) if you could go anywhere in the world right now where would it be? 
10) what's your favourite way to spend your time? 
11) who is the person you trust the most? 

  Lauren xoxo

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